I've been realizing more and more how many ways I want to be like my toddler. And how many ways people underestimate toddlers. We all just think of the "terrible twos" part; the destruction, the tantrums, the messes, the stubbornness. But I think we ought to give them a lot more credit. Toddlers have so many great qualities, I hope mine never loses them.
1. They test their boundaries.
They're pretty fearless. But it's mostly because they have a clean slate. They don't know the cause and effect of sticking their fingers in an electrical outlet. A lot of things are innate, like heights and the teeth on a barking dog, but they are still unaware of the total effects of jumping from 5 feet in the air or how badly wounded they could be after a dog bite. They know the results aren't going to be good, but they still wanna know how bad. That's where we have to step in, and that's when the "why mama?" happens.