Tuesday, October 29, 2013

34 Weeks

Mira opening her halloween presents from my mom. Grandma officially got her first present that she actually got to "open" herself.

Well after Mira's 7 month post, we have been busy busy busy chasing her around because she keeps improving her crawling/furniture scaling skills (speed, how fast she can pull herself up, how far she can reach, what she can manage to crawl into, etc.). It seems like everyday she is acquiring a new skill. There's never a dull moment, that's for sure. It is FUN, though. We are so entertained and love her personality, there's been so many laughs and much more to come.

Mira's favorite things:
-Plastic bags (don't worry we don't let her play with them)
-Standing up against surfaces and banging on them
-Climbing into her carseat (I think she thinks that we will take her somewhere if she does)
-Things that represent a rattle, but only if it's not actually meant to be a rattle (i.e. pill bottles)
-Playing with anything and everything that is not one of her toys. All the toys she has in her toybox: they are now off the radar for Mira. She will just toss them aside and crawl towards things like remote controls.

The inevitable: Mira loves eating. Nursing and solids. And I mean loves. When it's time to nurse she pants like she always has and when it's time for solids she's banging on the tray yelling at me to hurry up (in her own language of course).

Mira's not-so-favorite things:
-Getting dressed
-Getting her face wiped
-Being put back in her carseat once we take her out


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