Tuesday, March 19, 2013

First couple weeks home

(Mira sucking her thumb, melts my heart)

Mira is two weeks old as of yesterday. It makes me sad to think how fast time flies. So far things have been going well at home, but I feel like I have had a slow recovery with my c-section and even had my doc write me a second prescription for more Percocet (after a visit to the ER for 102 degree temp). Now that the second prescription has run out, I'm settling for Ibuprofen. Adam has been great with taking care of everything around the house, waiting on me hand and foot, and getting up in the night with Mira. I couldn't have done it without him. He went back to work today and it kinda sucks, not just because I miss him helping out but it feels more empty with just Mira and I when he's gone all day.

So far Mira's been out and about 3 times. The first two times were her scheduled doctor appointments (which she received an A+ in all areas!) and the third time was us running errands to the bank and grocery store. We came to the conclusion she likes all the movement in her carseat since I ran on the treadmill almost my entire pregnancy, it's what she's used to.

As far as nighttime sleeping goes, she's getting better. We got some practice in the hospital since we didn't have her taken to the nursery at all. Some nights she'll struggle for a good hour or two and other nights she'll sleep for 5 hours straight. I'm sure she'll get it figured out soon.

We love all the little noises she makes, though. She makes a lot of noises in her sleep and sometimes Adam and I will wake up to them and just laugh.

These things above are the most used and most life saving for us so far. The Halo sleepsack is easy to get on and off and makes those nighttime diaper changes that much easier, while Mira gets to stay cozy. The Munchkin wipe warmer makes diaper changes peaceful. When we changed Mira in the hospital with the cold wipes she would fuss and cry, but having warm wipes makes a huge difference. The boppy pillow is what I use for nursing, or an arm rest for anyone who holds her, or sometimes we put Mira inside, but she's still a little small for it. The California calming baby lotion is what we use for Mira at night. It is lavender scented so it helps make Mira sleepy. The soothie pacifier. This is the only pacifier she likes right now. Not much else to say about that besides the fact she fusses a lot less since she is so orally fixated.

Sneak peak of Mira's newborn photo session. Can't wait to see the rest! 

1 comment:

  1. Mira is just beautiful!! I'm so happy for you all. We did the same thing when it came to the hospital and the nursery.. we never sent her! We definitely learned a lot because of it, but probably went home a little more tired than most. :)

    Hope you are getting some rest!


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