Thursday, January 17, 2013

35 Weeks: Only 35 days left to go!

Due date is in a month, that's crazy! I've been trying to refrain from catching my full body reflection in windows and mirrors. Everytime I do, it never fails, I subtly whisper to myself "god, you're huge". But at the doc appt. yesterday she said I'm only measuring 33 1/2 weeks, so I'm actually measuring a little behind.

To-do list is thinning out:

-Baby K'tan carrier
-Baby's take-home outfit
-Find day care <----- need to get on this :/ (we are currently on one waitlist)
-Put in maternity leave request at work
-Nursery decor hung
-Stock changing table
-Order & put on crib bedding/changing table cover
-Pack hospital bag (still need to finish)
-Discuss birth plan with doctor. (Example of a birth plan found

-Set up pack 'n' play
-Put together baby swing
-Install carseat

Baby Size: 5 1/4 pounds and 18 inches long. The size of a honeydew melon. Baby is pretty much developed and her main job the next few weeks is to just put on more weight.

Maternity clothes: Finally bought a pair of maternity leggings and realized I have been seriously, seriously missing out.

Symptoms: The acid reflux was getting out of hand, so yesterday my doc prescribed me Prilosec, and I'm weirdly excited about it. Hopefully I won't sound like a dinosaur/fire breathing dragon anymore.

Sleep: Good, except I have to exclusively sleep on my right side because when I sleep on my left, it's acid reflux city. I looked it up to figure out why this is and I came to find that you're supposed to sleep on your left to REDUCE acid reflux. So now I'm confused. Maybe my body is just backwards.

Food Cravings: Burgers, tacos, and anything sweet

Movement: She's still moving all day everyday. At the doc appt. yesterday, she took the heartbeat and said she was a "happy baby".

Labor Signs: Still None!

35 Week Belly:

Nursery Preview:


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