Wednesday, December 19, 2012

31 Weeks

Welcome back first trimester moodiness, we meet again. Except this time around it's twice, no TEN times worse. The stupidest things irk me lately. If someone opens a door wrong I get crabby. If the sink water takes too long to get hot, I start to cry. It's getting out of hand. Otherwise, everything is still going great. We went to the doctor on Tuesday and she said I'm right on track of where I'm supposed to be as far as measurements. Baby girl is definitely moving around a lot still, I can see from the outside of my belly, it's so fun! She's doing somersaults.

My sister threw me a baby shower on Saturday, and it went really well. She did a good job with planning and cannot thank her enough. It was the Duluth shower, and I will be having another shower back home in Crookston on the 29th thrown by my mom's friends. Some gift highlights:

Carseat, bathtub, snugamonkey swing (haven't taken out of the box yet), and as a belated birthday gift, my parents got me a really nice camera. Excited to take pictures of baby girl with this!

Some other gifts included: diaper bag, activity bouncer, bottles, breastfeeding supplies/accessories, a diaper genie, toys, burp-cloths, hangers, diapers, and lots and lots of cute clothes! I'm so thankful for everyone's generosity, I really did get "showered" with gifts! 

Some more shower photo highlights: 

Oh, and I almost forgot; the diaper cake!

31 Week Belly:


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